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    Together we develop and test suitable Use Cases with the goal of creating a prototype with real Data. We industrialize your Use Cases into products with a focus on scaling and generating real added value.

    Devise and successfully implement Use Cases

    Companies like Google, Amazon and Uber are banking on an “AI First” strategy, meaning that these digital titans are consistently putting Artificial Intelligence at the heart of all their services and projects. Making machines and robots intelligent requires self-learning algorithms, and inventing, developing and implementing such algorithms is our passion.

    The possible uses of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are wildly diverse, ranging from Data Analysis and recommendation systems to completely new business models. We will develop the necessary systems for you as well as assist in integrating these new systems into your pre existing infrastructures while continuously refining them. Do you already have an idea of what you wish to accomplish with the help of AI or do you need support? Whatever the case may be, we will gladly accompany you on your Data Journey.


    In order to consistently generate sustainable added value from Data, Data Use Cases must be successfully scaled and industrialized. As a result, the demand for Data Engineering Expertise has skyrocketed in the last few years. Leading companies have already proven the usefulness of (Big) Data, Analytics and AI in numerous Proof of Concepts (PoCs). Now they are faced with the daunting challenge of actually implementing the distribution, scaling and industrialization of these Data Use Cases.

    We measure our successes by the amount of added value generated. Using our experience from over 100 projects, we have refined our Data Engineering Services into a holistic process and organizational model for the purpose of the industrialization of Data Use Cases. Our experienced Data Engineers, Data Architects and AI Engineers are there to support you during implementation.

    Software & Research Information

    You want to apply Use Cases within your company. If you already have ideas of Use Cases, we will use our experience assist you in prioritizing and evaluating the feasibility and possible benefits of your selected Use Cases. Alternatively, we can work together to generate Use Case ideas in our own Roadmap Workshop in order to create the foundations for your Use Case library. If you already have a specific Use Case in mind, we can start right away.

    Procedure & Manage your research with Mendeley

    Our goal is to test Use Cases as quickly as possible. To do this, we first create a Use Case concept by generating hypotheses for the Use Case and checking the necessary Data. In the subsequent exploration, we carry out a Proof of Concept and build a test environment using the Data you provide us with. In this way, we can quickly determine whether the Use Case in question can realistically be implemented. Following a successful exploration, we get to work on programming a first prototype, which can be seen as the Alpha-version of your Analytics or Big Data App.

    If this manages to prove itself, the Use Case is then industrialized into a final product, with an absolute focus on scaling and the sustainable creation of added value. This means that here to the end user is the central focus. First we create a scaling plan, prioritizing markets, functions and brands, after which we move on to the next phase of the pilot, turning the prototype into a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) – the Beta-version of your Analytics or Big Data App as it were – with the help of our scaling concept. We then develop this Beta-version into a marketable Data Product by means of continuous testing in the development pipeline. DevOps merges the further development and operation of the Data Product.

    Our Workflow & Process

    Use Case Workshop

    Use Case Exploration



    Scaling Conzept

    MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

    Research Anaysis

    Analytical Concept and User Stories are made ready for Implementation in agile sprints

    Technical feasibility is validated with a Proof of Concept

    Established value generation thanks to productively deployable MVP’s and Prototypes

    Detailed concepts for Data Science and AI-Problems

    Find A Plan That's Right For You

    We would work towards a plan that’s right.