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    As an AI and Data Consulting Firm, we will accompany you on your own Data-Journey. A comprehensive Data Strategy forms the basis and the framework for generating added value from Data–what we refer to as Data2Value.


    Data is the fuel for digitalization. Only those enterprises capable of effectively utilizing Data to create value will be successful in the future. In our capacity as an AI and Data Science Consulting Firm, we will support you throughout your Data-Journey. Make the most of our over 1000’s  projects worth of AI and data consulting experience for over multiple clients from a wide variety of business sectors, including numerous DAX-listed corporations. Don’t make the same mistake as other companies and instead learn from our tried and tested methods and our team of experienced experts. We combine the best elements of strategy consulting, Thought Leadership and comprehensive practical project experience – forged and tested in what may well be the world’s toughest market in terms of data protection and client skepticism.


    Company Challenge

    Many companies currently face the challenge of building, developing or optimizing their internal AI and Data Science capabilities
    with the ultimate goal of improving their return on investment. Many of them struggle to identify whose example to follow, which trends to anticipate and what the best practices in terms of organizational form, technology and processes are. We can support you in finding answers to those questions and in doing so, help you master any challenge in the fields of AI and Data Science.


    In order to begin crafting your data strategy, we first conduct an assessment workshop to determine your current situation. In this workshop we will introduce the most essential elements of any data strategy. We also work together to assess your enterprise’s status quo and conduct a benchmarking of your current Big Data, AI and Analytics capabilities. Using Design Thinking methods, we then work to develop your own vision and Data roadmap towards the goal of becoming a data-driven enterprise. Finally, we collaborate to define the Five Pillars of your data operating model: Organizational structure, processes, roles, Data Governance and IT Systems Landscape. We assist you in managing the necessary changes in your company. In addition, we conduct individual coaching for management and project teams while simultaneously working to support you in continuously improving your project portfolio.

    Best Practice Methods

    1. Assessment
    2. Design Thinking Workshops
    3. Individual Coaching
    4. Development of agile Organizations
    5. Continuous Portfolio optimization


    In depth analysis and solutions for established processes

    Benchmarking your current AI, Big Data and analysis capabilities

    We would have Benchmarked your current Projects and Capabilities.

    Development of your Data Strategy Roadmap

    We would have given you clear guidance on Data Strategy and Roadmap

    Our Workflow & Process

    Custom-designed Data Operating Model with clear goals for your enterprise in mind

    Research Anaysis

    Detailed concepts for any possible Data Science and AI Problems

    Find A Plan That's Right For You

    This is exactly what we would have achieved.